无忧托管(51 Host.ca) –– 是多伦多乐售地产团队下属的一个地产关联服务项目部门,我们提供全方位服务的物业管理。我们像爱护自己的房子一样爱护您的房子。是您房子的贴心保姆。
如果您不幸遇到无良租客,没有专业的知识和方法,我们会推荐专业的法律顾问给您,为您免除这方面的烦恼。在每月的月初,我们将从您的租客那里收取租金并直接存入您的指定银行帐户。并且列详细明细账单,让您一目了然。如果租客未能在指定日期支付租金,我们将在第一时间向租客送达N4 表,一边了解租客情况,一边想办法让租客尽快交租,或者尽快搬离,最大限度地减小您的损失。
Do You Need Best in Class Property Management Services For Your Residential & Rental Properties?
Lesold® Property Management is the leading residential & rental property management company in Toronto, providing you with award-winning leasing, administrative, maintenance, and financial services to help you get the most out of your investment.
With Lesold® Property Management You Can:
- Leave the administration to us
- Maximize your occupancy rates
- Protect your property with skilled maintenance services
- Improve resident’s satisfaction and enjoyment
- Get the most out of your valuable investment
- Benefit from award-winning experience
Real estate investing is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. It can be highly profitable, but can also become costly and difficult when a landlord gets overwhelmed. From leaky toilets to tenant collections issues, residential property management in Toronto gets frustrating with the more properties a landlord owns. Fortunately, there are property management companies that can help. Skilled property management services can make a big difference in alleviating these challenges and boosting profitability.
With These Types Of Property Management Services, There Are A Number Of Areas To Consider.
Landlords want to ensure their units are not sitting vacant, as vacancy can quickly become costly. A good property management company has the resources necessary to get vacant units filled quickly, with high-quality tenants. They make sure units are properly marketed and conduct showings so the landlord does not have to.
Units suffer their fair share of wear and tear. When something breaks, a property management company must be able to respond quickly, with the right contractor at the right price, in order to keep tenants happy and units profitable. This becomes particularly important with after-hours problems, in which case an emergency hotline is a necessary feature for assisting tenants and keeping them satisfied.
No one wants to deal with a delinquent tenant. Rental property management companies can help by ensuring tenants are qualified and able to afford the unit they rent, and making sure all payments are received on-time.
When tenants do not pay, it can cut into profitability, and units can potentially suffer damage as well. High-quality property management companies deal with this situation as quickly and respectfully as possible.
Managing unit costs and generating financial statements can be tedious and time-consuming. Landlords can leave these functions up to a qualified property manager so that important facts and figures are just a phone call or email away.
A consultation with a good condominium management company in Toronto should cover all of these areas. Landlords and owners should ask discerning questions about the business relationships the management company has in the area to ensure reputable contractors are being used. They should also inquire about tenant retention programs and what kinds of success the company has with reducing or eliminating vacancies.
By securing a high-quality management company, landlords can reduce costs and spend more time enjoying the profitability of being residential real estate investors with fewer hassles.
- 提供多伦多地产协会(TREB)最新的租屋市场报告;
- 通过地产协会MLS系统,及其他在线广告媒体推广您的物业
- 共同审核租客的信用,工作背景,利用我们丰富的专业知识和经验,协助挑选合适的租客
- 协助签订租赁合同 (使用律师推荐的合同条款,及安省Standard Form of Lease)
- 协助办理房东保险,审查租客保险,及开通,关闭水电气账号;
- 提供给房东房屋维护保养的清单,免费查看,并协助房东安排房屋必要的维护保养;
- 代表房东,与租客沟通,解决租客提出的有关房子维修的问题;
- 安排修理人员(Contractor)及时修理房屋出现的问题.
除提供以上房屋出租管理的全套服务外,还提供协助报税及缴税的服务 (无忧托管可以做海外人士在加拿大的出租房屋的税务代理人(加拿大税局要求海外人士一定要有一个本地税务代理人),协助会计师与税局联系,安排报税,缴税事项)。
- 提供符合保险公司要求的定期房屋巡视检查;
- 定期收取邮箱的信件,扫描发给房主;
- 安排房屋必要的维护保养(比如,剪草,铲雪,等服务–费用另计);
- 提供多伦多地产协会最新民用和商业房屋出租市场报告,合理的制定出租价格。
- 通过地产协会MLS系统,以及其他网站软件广告社交媒体推广物业。
- 严格审查潜在租客信息,包裹工作背景,信用报告,推荐信,前房东评论等,挑选出最适合的租客。
- 共同签署标准的租房合同(提供详细的租房指导和建议,尽最大化维护房东的权益)。
- 处理水电煤气账户的开通和关闭,房屋保险,租客保险等琐事事务。
- 定期和租客沟通,查看房屋的状况,及时安排专业人士协助房东客户处理房屋维修状况,提供明细的房屋维护维修保养清单,反馈给客户。
- 及时处理租客拖欠房租的问题,必要时通过法律程序维护房东客户的利益。
- 代收租金,代收信件,代缴地税房屋维修等杂费
- 协助房东客户处理报税缴税服务。
- 协助房东联系所有和房屋相关的专业人士,如(门窗,装修,油漆,水管,剪草,产雪等)
广告更新 – 为您的物业每24小时在 MLS及各大中英文网络媒体刊登广告,增大宣传量。
专业评估 – 免费为您提供市场出租价格和房屋市值估价。
免费摄影 – 为您的物业免费拍摄高质量照片。
租客筛选 – 挑选租客, 租客信用查询, 验证收入, 租客背景筛查服务。
租赁合同 – 起草房屋租赁合同,保护业主的权益。
2)租客及房屋管理(10%月租) :如果是需要rental guarantee 服务,收取月租金的15%, 保证没有空租期(即使有, 也有托管公司承担应得租金收入)
托管提供服务项目 – Services:
租金转存 – 定期将收到的租金存储到业主指定的银行账户,免去您收租的烦恼。
Rent transfer – Deposit the received rent in the bank account designated by the landlord to save you the trouble of collecting rent.
财务报告 – 定期向业主发送物业的财务支出报告和维护管理报告。
Financial Report – Send the property’s financial expenditure report and maintenance management report to the owner.
信件服务 – 定期为外地业主收取并转寄信件。
Letter Service – Collect and forward letters for foreign owners.
租客管理– 及时与租客沟通,处理租客反馈的相关问题。
Tenant Management – Communicate with tenants in a timely manner, and deal with relevant issues feedback from tenants.
应急维修 – 联合专业的维修师傅, 提供及时,优质的房屋维修(费用另计)。
Emergency repairs – Joint professional repair masters to provide timely and high-quality house repairs (extra cost).
法律咨询 – 联合有经验的律师, 提供与房屋管理相关的法律服务(费用另计)。
Legal Consultation – Cooperate with experienced lawyers to provide legal services related to housing management (extra cost).
清洁服务 – 联合清洁服务团队,提供出租前后房屋清洁(费用另计)。
Cleaning Service – Joint cleaning service team to provide house cleaning before and after rental (extra cost).
定期检查 – 提供定期的房屋检查服务,发现问题,及时报告房东,去除安全隐患
财务报告 – 定期向业主发送物业的财务支出报告和维护管理报告。
信件服务 – 定期为外地业主收取并转寄信件。
车辆检查 – 定期检查房东的车辆,及时报告房东盗窃或损伤。
应急维修 – 联合专业的维修师傅, 提供及时,优质的房屋维修(费用另计)。
法律咨询 – 联合有经验的律师, 提供与房屋管理相关的法律服务(费用另计)。
清洁服务 – 联合清洁服务团队,提供出租前后房屋清洁(费用另计)。
庭院服务 – 定期安排草地护理、铲雪(费用另计)。
(查看具体房屋托管服务-Housing trust ,请点击这里)
Q: 一般多少时间可以找到租客?
A: 旺季1-3周可以找到,普通季节1个月左右可以找到。
Q: 租房+托管服务整个流程是怎么样的?是你们先看房评估定价出租然后再托管这样吗?
A: 流程如下:
- 提供给我们物业地址, 照片(如果有), 我们做市场评估
- 给您分享评估结果 –目前月租金的行情, 您认可后, 签订托管委托协议
- 约定时间我们到现场查看,拍照(也可以在签订合同前做这一步)
- 签订挂牌出租协议(也可以在第2步时一起进行)
- 开始市宣传, 直到找到租客
- 支付全年托管费用(租客搬入前)
Case 1: 房主身在国内,多伦多的物业空置。收到帐单开列一长串,整不清楚到底有没被多收费,委托51(无忧) 团队查对: